Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Right (and Wrong) Ways to Text for a First Date

There's an art to writing an inviting opening line, says Julie Spira, author of The Perils of Cyber Dating. Follow her lead to come off looking like you're attentive, not a stalker.

SAY THIS: How's your day?

NOT THAT: Wat R U up to

Netspeak and poor spelling will tank your reply rate, an OkCupid survey found.

SAY THIS: Plain or peanut?


A nod to a profile quirk (like her love of M&M's) shows that you read it and didn't just drool over the bikini shot.

SAY THIS: So are you from here originally?

NOT THAT: Saw on FB that you grew up in Boston

Don't talk about her other profiles until after you've had a few dates-- she might think you're a stalker.

SAY THIS: Any favorite trails?

NOT THAT: You're hot and you like hiking?!

Compliments about her body, no matter how politely delivered, make you sound like a letch.



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