Monday, September 29, 2014

World Heart Day 2014: How to care for a baby with congenital heart disease

Congenital heart disease - children29th September is World Heart day

Heart disease is often thought to be a problem that only adults face, but that is not entirely true. Often, it is infants or newborns that may also suffer from heart related ailments. Although these ailments are not due to the known risk factors of heart disease (like an unhealthy lifestyle, eating junk food or obesity) the condition, known as congenital heart disease, is usually caused due to malformations in the child’s heart during its formation. In this post Dr Vanita Arora, Associate Director and head Cardiac Electrophysiology lab and Arrhythmia Services, Sr.Consultant Cardiac Electrophysiologist and Interventional cardiology tells you about the condition and how a child with congenital heart disease can live.

What are the various types of congenital heart disease?

Broadly, they can be characterised as cynotic heart disease (blue baby) and acynotic heart disease.

What kind of care should parents take of such kids?

Early diagnosis of these patients is very important for them to live a good life. The antenatal check-up of the pregnant mothers plays an important role in avoiding such problems to occur as they are more likely related to infections in the mother during pregnancy, causing defects in the heart. Once diagnosed in the early stages of pregnancy  proper measures can be taken to better the condition. 

Can a child play sports and live a normal life with such a disease?

Some of the congenital heart disease diagnosed and treated in time gives children a near normal life style. However, if treatment is delayed then even normal activities of the child can be compromised. 

Do all the types have the same prognosis or are there some that a child can live with?

Prognosis of complex congenital heart disease and the ones with genetic abnormalities is not good. However, some children with congenital heart disease treated in time with intervention or surgery do absolutely wonderful.

Is there any diet or other lifestyle restrictions that the child will have to follow?

The patients with complex heart disease have a restricted activity pattern and need to be on normal, small frequent diet.

Is there a chance of the child suddenly suffering from a heart failure or attack if he/she does any certain activities?

Some complex congenital heart disease patients may have sudden heart failure if they do aggressive activities. A heart attack can occur in young individuals with a congenital problem (LCAPA) and can cause sudden cardiac death.

Are there any specific tips that you would like to give the parents of such children?

Parents need to understand that their child is a child with special needs hence they have to be taken care of more. They should be in regular contact with their paediatric cardiologist for further care and better life for their child. 

You may also like to read: 

  • 7 symptoms of congenital heart disease

  • Congenital heart disease – your queries answered

  • My son had a heart problem when he was born. Will he develop normally?

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