Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Durga Puja 2014 — 10 diet tips to make it healthy

Durga_PujaDurga Puja is one of the most awaited and biggest festivals of eastern India. It is that time of the year when people do not cook food at home and relish traditional Bengali fare at the various pandals and stalls they visit. Though these dishes are scrumptious, they certainly increase your calorie count, not to forget the deep-fried and rich dishes you get at these stalls. While it is unavoidable to eat healthy food during this festive time, certain modifications and tips can still keep you on the healthy track. Here are a few ways to ensure this. 

Eat smart: Friends and family may try to force you to eat, but whenever you face such a situation, eat small portions. If you are tempted to stuff yourself with delicacies, make sure that you cut down on other sources of calories. Try and drink your tea with less sugar or eat one chapatti  less or perhaps reduce the intake of rice.

Go easy on sweets: Bengali desserts are difficult to say no to but if you are on a weight loss diet, make sure you keep a tab on the number of roshogullas or sandesh you eat. Make sure you do not eat more than one or two. If there is an option, opt for sugar-free sweets. 

Take a small plate: You tend to eat less when you serve yourself in smaller plates. Seeing a plate full of food tricks your mind into thinking that there is a lot of food in front of you. Even smaller glasses, bowls, and spoons can help you cut down on the quantity of unhealthy food items.

Avoid fizzy drinks: Soft drinks may please your taste-buds but it does a lot of harm to your body. Carbonated drinks are high on unhealthy fats like trans fats. They also contain a lot of added sugar and are definitely a bad option for people who are diabetic or obese. Instead, replace them with healthy drinks like nimbu paani and coconut water to quench your thirst. 

Don’t skip your exercise: You should always have time for exercise even in the festive season. Try and squeeze in at least 30 minutes’ time for yourself and do some running, or hit the gym, practise yoga or continue with your workout at home. Exercising will help you stay fit and aid in burning those extra calories you are consuming.

Drink loads of water: Drinking plenty of water will help you flush out the toxins from your body. It is necessary that the body receives its much-needed dose of minerals from water. Drink sufficient amount of water first thing in the morning. 

Eat green leafy vegetables: Make sure to add green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli and spinach in at least one of your meals. They are rich sources of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. The fibre in vegetables makes you feel fuller for a longer time and keeps hunger pangs at bay. It is a good idea to have a bowl of salad in the morning before you step out for the day. 

Eat before you leave home:  When you leave home without eating anything, you are likely to eat more as you will be hungry. But if you have a small snack or a small meal before you step out, you will eat relativity lesser than usual. So eat a fruit or a healthy sandwich before you go out to see the pandals.

Choose the lesser evil: If you are unable to find any healthy options at these stalls, you should eat the one which is the least fattening of all. The khichdi offered is quite healthy and you can eat more of this without guilt. 

Eat more during the day: You are likely to be out the entire day during Durga Puja. In order to ration out your meals in a healthy way, make sure you eat the heavy dishes in the morning and keep the lighter ones for the evening. This because your body will use the fat and energy from them during the day but it will be difficult to digest heavy food as the day progresses. 

Photo source: wikicommons.com

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