Saturday, September 27, 2014

Go Goa XXI– Bigfoot Museum, Loutlim

This museum is an attempt to re-create the Goan village seen as it used to be. There are various household, religious places, marketplaces and occupations depicted spread over a hill. Let me walk you through some of the key attractions of this museum.

The entrance door that is ornate and gives an impression of a place that is rich.

A sculpture of Saint Mira Bai in red laterite stone that is supposed to be a longest of its kind and find mention in many record books.

An impression of a big foot on a rock that gives this place its name. Myth is that if you touch the foot and make a wish, it will come true. An illuminated story is told through a series of paintings about the legend of bigfoot that makes it a holy place – worth worshipping.

There are spice plantations around the place like many other places in Goa

A butterfly park is work in progress.

With greenery all around, there are birds all around.

In an attempt to make it a living cultural space, there is an exhibition hall that showcases the works of local artisans. A curio shop reminds me of similar shops in similar tourism economies.

The whole place has audio guides that come up and speak when you are closer to the displays. It can be a bit jarring, but ensures that you do not miss out on any details displayed in the museum.

I would not say a must visit, but if you have time and if you are in that part of the town, you can spend couple of pleasant hours here.


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