Monday, September 29, 2014

World Heart Day 2014: Reversing Ischemic heart disease is possible with yoga

Family yoga to beat heart diseaseSeptember 29 is World Heart Day 2014

The prevalence of coronary heart disease is on the rise in India for the last several years and is expected to assume epidemic proportions soon. Advances in treatment like angioplasty, stenting and by-pass surgery effectively address the problems of individual patients. However, they are expensive and beyond the reach of majority of the patients in India.

Also, while these procedures focus on treating the manifestations of the disease, yoga focuses on the underlying causes of the disease. Yoga based lifestyle modifications have earlier shown beneficial effects in a small number iof patients with coronary artery disease. To further enunciate this, the 95-year old Yoga Institute, at Santacruz (E), Mumbai, conducted a study.

The objective of the project was to study and determine whether a family based yoga lifestyle intervention program would help thwart the progression of heart disease. The study zeroed in on various risk factors such as stress, anxiety and depression that lead to coronary heart disease. It evaluated the role of lifestyle modification based on yoga techniques, stress management and dietary modifications.

What the study found

The study found that yoga based lifestyle modifications help in regression of coronary lesions and in improving myocardial perfusion. After practicing yoga for a year, the patients were found to have a significant drop in overall cholesterol levels, especially bad cholesterol. The progression of the disease was stalled and, in some cases, the patient’s improved. They also found that the overall anxiety levels of people dropped and they were more equipped to handle stress and anger.  

Sounds interesting doesn’t it? Well, here’s how you and your family can start using this natural way to keep your heart healthy. 

How can a family start the yoga based yoga way of living? Could you give us a few tips on where a family can start and what are the aspects they will have to start?

Parents should have some health awareness timetable or routine. The first step towards this would be to wake up before sunrise, drink a glass or two of warm water in the morning, take care of necessary morning ablutions and do some asanas before starting any other activity. It is only when parents lived a disciplined and a healthy life that their children will watch and develop good habits themselves.

Parents should go for morning walk for half an hour in the morning. They should have a wholesome healthy breakfast before eight in the morning. It is best that they do some asanas before eating their first meal of the day. Parents should also practice and inculcate the practice of meditation in themselves and their children.  It is also recommended that everybody in the house should sit together and discuss relevant topics that interest everybody in the household. Engaging in interactive recreational activities is also very important as it helps develop togetherness among all member of the family. When elders in the family work towards staying fit and healthy, even children automatically become aware of it. So, the idea is to maintain a very conducive and warm atmosphere at home. However, parents must not be too strict with the children. Discipline is good but children must also be allowed to have some fun.

When is it the right time for children to start practicing yoga?

Yoga starts from the womb itself. The movement a man and woman bond with each other and commit by getting married, they have to stay together, accept each other with all the positives and negatives they have, respecting each other and care for each other. This automatically develops a very positive ambiance. Now when a couple who looks after each other well decides to start a family of their own and have a child that child is automatically exposed to a positive perspective. Right from childhood the children should be taught the yoga way of life. When the child gets restless, parents who make him sit quietly, ask him close his eyes and let him a take deep breathes. Children should be encouraged to be physically active and they can always be made to do some basic asanas like sukhasana, makarasana, vajrasana, etc. When children have any problem, parents should take some natural care like jalneti , use sun bathing, etc. 

Finally, it is essential for parents to realise that children learn and imbibe whatever their parents do. Their home and parents are their first teachers and they should be guided to live a healthy life. Remember, you are your child’s first guru, lead by example and watch your child be healthy and strong. 

You may also like to read: 

  • Yoga for your heart – 20 poses to keep it healthy

  •  How yoga can prevent and combat heart disease

  • Anulom vilom pranayam – beat diabetes, heart disease and high cholesterol with this yoga asana

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