Monday, September 29, 2014

Navratri Special — how to choose the perfect beauty treatment for the festive season

Deepika NavratriIt’s Navratri which means endless garba nights and jazzy outfits showing off your curves and beautiful skin. To look absolutely stunning and radiant for the festive season, here is how you can go about your beauty regime. 


For that instant glow and a better looking skin, there are treatments commonly available at salons and skin clinics. Facials are the most common of all, there are different kinds of them available as per your preferences. For instance, if you are looking for a session of relaxation and a soothing massage, an aromatic facial would be the right choice. The antioxidant facial helps restore and repair the skin from sun damage and is beneficial for sensitive and ageing skin.

Another facial treatment could be the marine collagen facial which includes a good face massage with a mask using a collagen serum. This collagen is then applied to be absorbed into the skin, leaving it with a radiant effect and a smooth surface. A host of other facials are available to help suit your skin type. 

AFT Photofacials

This type of skin treatment is an easy way to get rid of the red patches and spots on your face. This is the latest technological advancement in Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy where a broad-spectrum light is radiated to the skin, resolving freckles and skin redness.

Pre-party treatments

Per-party facials and skin treatments are a perfect fix just before an outing or occasion. They are effective enough to moisturise, eliminate dullness and cleanse your skin for a healthy glow.


If you are looking to undergo a treatment to even out your skin complexion along with some skin polishing, then you could consider microdermabrasion. The skin complexion is evened out through the mechanical action using tiny beads. The procedure helps cleanse and moisturise the skin well. 

Skin brightening chemical peels

Chemical peels can remove the clogged, stubborn dirt and dead skin cells. After this deep cleansing, your skin is left fresh and rejuvenated with your skin complexion evened out. Such peels are also beneficial for removal of  skin tanning. You could also undergo the trichloroacetic acid gel peel (TCA) which is safe and provides desirable results for ageing skin, acne scars and blemishes. Retinol peel could be another option if you want your skin free of  pigmentation and acne scars. The best part is this peel is suitable for all skin types. Know more on skin peels here. 


This is a new technology, with the help of which various skincare products meant to resolve particular skin problems are penetrated into the deep layers of the skin. Problems like pigmentation, acne, hair growth, double chin can also be improved with this skin treatment. It is also a preferred option for skin brightening.

Skin expert, Dr Shefali Trasi further suggests some skin brightening treatments that you can opt for. She recommends, ‘Botox for facial glow and tightening, skin firming treatments like monopolar RF with instant tighter skin for a slimmer face and volumising filler for cheek and chin augmentation which are safe and effective.’

Hair treatments

This is surely the season where your hair should look pretty at all times and should be healthy too. If you don’t have a routine haircare regime, there are a few things you could do for damage control. Dr Trasi suggests, ‘Hair smoothing and spa are recommended for the festive season due to the damage caused by excess hair straightening and other chemicals procedures on hair.’  

Keratin smoothing treatment

The keratin hair treatment which may be recommended usually for hair straightening, also helps improve hair texture and reduces frizz. It tames down curly hair and leaves a shiny and lustrous effect. It is so much easier to manage hair after this treatment. Keratin, hence reduces the usage of straighteners. Know more on the keratin hair treatment here

Quick-fix for Navratri 

To avoid any skin and hair disasters, some alterations can help save you from unnecessary problems. We have some tips that could come in handy: 

Use non-comedogenic products 

You have to be cautious of any sun damage that your hair and skin could be prone to. Dr Trasi suggests, ‘Use of non-comedogenic sunscreen and oil control make-up is required.’ Non-comedogenic products are safe on the skin and protect from clogged pores and acne. Such products ensure that your skin is not prone to blackheads and acne. These are also oil-free in content and regulate oil control for your skin.

Face wash essentials

You are going to be on the go from one place to another, so you should ensure that your skin cleansing regime is not overlooked. Dr Trasi suggests, ‘AHA containing face washes twice to thrice daily.’

Use hair serum

To avoid your hair looking too dry and frizzy, a hair product is required. Dr Trasi advises, ‘Use of hair serum pre and post hair treatments.’

Remove make-up

Do not forget to wash off your make-up once you are home or before you hit the bed. It’s best to use cleansing milk that is suited for your skin type to avoid any unexpected skin reaction. You could also use extra virgin olive oil to remove your make-up naturally.

Face pack for instant glow

To get an instant glow naturally, you could use a bleaching face pack with tomato and potatoes. For this pack:  You would need half a ripe tomato and a small piece of peeled potato. Mash both of these vegetables and add the juice of half a lemon to the mix. Adding lemon is beneficial for those who suffer from excessive acne. If you have very dry, flaky skin add some malai to the mix. This acts as a soothing moisturiser. Apply this onto your face and wash with warm water once dry. Don’t wait longer than 15 minutes. 

Image source: YouTube

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  • Navratri Special — 5 natural scrubs for a spotless back!

  • Navratri Special — Look stunning with these make-up tricks

  • 7-day skincare regime to get beautiful skin

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