Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Why are Americans more depressed today

depressionUS citizens are more depressed now than they have been in decades but most of them are not aware of their conditions, says a new study. Analysing data from 6.9 million adolescents and adults from all over the country, the study found that people in the US now report more psycho-somatic symptoms of depression, such as troubled sleep and trouble in concentrating, than their counterparts in the 1980s.

‘This study shows an increase in symptoms most people do not even know are connected to depression, which suggests adolescents and adults really are suffering more,’ said study author Jean M. Twenge from the San Diego State University in the US. Compared to their 1980s counterparts, teenagers in the 2010s are 38 percent more likely to have trouble remembering, 74 percent more likely to have trouble sleeping, and twice as likely to have seen a professional for mental health issues.

College students surveyed were 50 percent more likely to say they feel overwhelmed, and adults were more likely to say their sleep was restless, they had poor appetite and everything was an effort – all classic psycho-somatic symptoms of depression. ‘Despite all of these symptoms, people are not any more likely to say they are depressed when asked directly, again suggesting that the rise is not based on people being more willing to admit depression,’ Twenge pointed out.

The study appeared in the journal Social Indicators Research.

Here are 5 health conditions that can lead to depression

Heart diseases: It is a known fact that depression in young adults puts them at a higher risk of heart diseases in the later stages of their life. However studies have also found that an incidence of heart attack or other related cardiac troubles can also be a major cause of depression among many. Studies have found that about 70 per cent of patients who have undergone a heart attack suffer from depression till up to a year after the incidence. In fact, the effect of depression is so severe in such cases that it interferes with the functional ability of a patient, like returning back to previous pleasurable activities, posing a problem in one’s sexual capabilities and much more. Without proper treatment and medical attention such kind of depression is persistent among patients recovering from a heart attack. Read 5 vegetables you must eat for a healthy heart

Parkinson’s disease: It is noticed that around 30 to 40 per cent of patients suffering from Parkinson’s also suffer from severe symptoms of depression during the later stages of the condition. Depression is more common in those patients who suffer from bradykiensia and gait instability than in patients who suffer from tremors of the limbs. Read Parkinson’s disease: are you at a risk?

Multiple sclerosis: Depression is also common in patients suffering from a debilitating condition like multiple sclerosis. Prolonged depression in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis can also lead to suicidal tendencies. The silver lining is unlike the other symptoms of the condition, depression in MS is purely treatable if one reaches out for treatment at the right time. Read more about 5 health conditions that can lead to depression

With inputs from IANS

Photo source: Getty images

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