Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Best XBMC Addons to Destroy Your Cable Bill

Free CableAre you tired of paying one-hundred to three-hundred dollars or more each month for your cable and satellite television just to watch TV and be entertained? With XBMC Media Center and its library of addons, you can easily turn your devices (PC, Mac, Android, iOS, and other devices) into virtual televisions and movie centers, and of course, cut your cable bill all the way down to nothing.

Note: It is important to note that XBMC Media Center has been renamed Kodi Entertainment Center, although most people still refer to it as the former. We will be using XBMC Media Center for this article.

About XBMC Media Center

For those who are not aware, XBMC Media Center is a free, open-source entertainment center that plays movies and music on computers, tablets, smart phones, and set-top boxes like Roku and Apple TV. It also supports addons, and its library of addons includes those that can be downloaded, installed and used to stream video and TV programs.

Let’s go over some of the useful XBMC addons to destroy cable.

1. SuperRepo

The verdict is out. Some of the best, most cable-destroying addons for XBMC can be installed directly from SuperRepo. Adding this repository (central location to get addons) provides thousands of TV and movie viewing options at your immediate disposal.

Installing SuperRepo can be done with the steps below:

1. Go to the “System” Menu in the XBMC Media Center.

2. Open the “File Manager” and click on “Add source.”

3. Click the text box that says “None” and type the following URL: Click “Done.”

4. For Media Source Name, enter “SuperRepo.”

5. Next, go to “System -> Settings -> Addons” and select “Install from zip file.” Choose “SuperRepo.”

6. Choose the version of XBMC Media Center that you are using.

7. Choose “All” and select the zip file (Example: All/

8. Go to “Addons -> Get Addons” and choose “SuperRepo.”

2. USTVnow

Created with overseas United States military personnel in mind, USTVnow allows for the live streaming of TV networks from the United States, such as PBS, NBC, FOX, CW, ABC, and CBS – all for free. The paid plans incorporate the free channel lineup, as well as the following additional networks, and so many more: My9, A&E, Animal Planet, Bravo, Cartoon Network, CNBC, CNN, Comedy Central, Discovery Channel, ESPN, FX, Fox News, History, Lifetime, National Geographic, Nickelodeon, Spike, Syfy, TBS, TNT, and USA.


The addon also comes with services like EPG, which is similar in appearance to a TV guide-like interface and enables the ability to schedule recordings, just like cable TV or DirectTV DVR.

The paid subscription plan costs $19 per month, while adding the unlimited DVR option with all channels costs $29 per month. This pales in comparison to most cable bills for sure.

USTVnow can be installed via the SuperRepo.

Note: When registering for your free account on the USTVnow website, make sure that you do not use your Facebook credentials. This will not work with the new Kodi media center.

3. Trakt.TV

Trakt allows you to maintain a consistently updated record of movies and television programs that have been watched. It is an excellent way to keep track of what you have seen and what you want to see in the future.


The icing on the cake with this addon is its Netflix-esque ability to recommend new TV shows and movies based on your previous choices. How all of this comes together is simple enough. Just sign up for a free Trackt account on the website and add some movies and TV shows to your watch list.

Next, download and install the addon on your XBMC setup and log in to it in XBMC Media Center. Make sure you include your API key, as well as username and password, which you will receive on the website.

As you view other shows and movies on XBMC, Trakt automatically keeps track of what episodes and seasons you’ve already seen, so you never miss an episode again. It’s also capable of scrobbling what you are watching to social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. After you watch a video, you have the option to rate it, which increases recommendation accuracy.

4. Genesis

Genesis is another fans’ favorite addon that incorporates GoTV and GoMovies. What this does, in a nutshell, is aggregates viewing content from several lots of different website sources for your pleasure.


The Lambda Repository must be installed on XBMC in order to use Genesis, which may be downloaded from GitHub.

Once this zip file has been installed on your XBMC Media Center, Genesis enables a wealth of awesome features, such as one-click play, akin to Netflix-style viewing. Genesis also permits HD playback, resuming where you left off, and displaying TV and movie cover art and fan arts, as well as downloading.

5. SportsDevil

This one is undoubtedly for the sports lover in the house. SportsDevil searches the Web, collecting the sports streams that you most desire. These may not necessarily be the most popular or the most widely sought after gaming streams, but for those who absolutely crave watching free sports, this is their ticket.


Download SportsDevil video addon from the Fusion Installer, which adds a nice number of third-party repositories to your XBMC Media Center.


With XBMC and all the powerful addons mentioned above, are you still going to pay for your cable or satellite TV?

Source – Make Tech Easier.


Best XBMC Addons to Destroy Your Cable Bill, Technology newsTechnical, Technology, Technology Trends
Best XBMC Addons to Destroy Your Cable Bill


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