Wednesday, October 1, 2014

‘Virtual breast’ to make cancer detection easier

Breast-cancerWith an attempt to make breast cancer diagnosis easier, researchers at Michigan Technological University, US have developed a new technique for better interpretation of cancer detection test. Called the ‘virtual breast’, the test is actually a 3D, computer generated phantom that allows clinicians to use ultrasound elastogrpahy in a safety laboratory to identify and detect presence tumours.

Mammograms that are currently used for cancer detection can help only in a few suspicious cases but with this new technique, detection of all tumours throughout the body, including the breast, would be possible. ‘Ultrasound elastography could be an excellent screening tool for women who have suspicious mammograms, but only if the results are properly interpreted,’ the study said.

According to Jingfeng Jiang, a biomedical engineer at the Michigan Technological University, US the technique uses imaging to measure the stiffness of tissue. Some of those images can clearly indicate cancer but others may not be that precise. ‘Depending on who does the reading, the accuracy can vary from 95 percent to 40 percent,’ Jiang added.

‘Virtual breast’ was developed using data from the Visible Human Project, which is a collection of thousands of cross-sectional photos from a female cadaver. It mimics the intricacy of the real thing, incorporating a variety of tissue types and anatomical structures, such as ligaments and milk ducts. Combining the photos could improve better interpretation the results. Clinicians can practice looking for cancer by applying virtual ultrasound elastography to the virtual breast and then evaluating the resulting images, the researchers stressed.

Here are key symptoms of breast cancer

Symptom #1: Lumps

If you notice a hard lump or knot, that is usually painless in your breast (either one or both), then it’s time to get a mammography done. Finding a lump does take a little bit of effort, and doing regular breast self exams are imperative to catch this symptom early.

Symptom #2: Slight hardening

Occasionally, you might not be able to discern a clear cut lump cannot, but a ‘lumpish’ feel is there. And this feel is different as compared to the same area of the opposite breast. You will feel a sort of hardening in one area of your breast(s) which must be investigated early. Usually this symptom is ignored as a minor change in the composition of your breast but, considering it could be an early indicator of breast cancer, get yourself tested as soon as you can.

Symptom #3: Nipple discharge

Under normal circumstances there should be no discharge from your nipples ‘(unless you are pregnant or have just had a baby), but if you see bloody or blood stained fluid being discharged from your nipples, it a sign that you need to visit your doctor immediately.

With inputs from IANS

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