Monday, September 29, 2014

World Heart Day 2014: Max Super Speciality Hospital encourages citizens to walk for a healthier heart

World Heart Day Walkathon at Max Super SpecialitySeptember 29 is World Heart Day 2014

As a run-up to World Heart Day (29th September 2014), Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj- leading healthcare service provider of East Delhi organized a 3 kilometres Walkathon today from Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj to Madhuvihar and then back to Max Hospital. The Walkathon witnessed participation from approximately 1,700 people. Many of the participants were cardiac patients who have been treated or are still undergoing treatment for their heart problems. The participants were gifted goodie bags including t-shirts, caps and first-aid kits. The Walkathon was aimed to encourage the residents to make heart healthy choices by adopting a healthier lifestyle and hence minimising the risk of heart diseases.

According to Mr. Neeraj Mishra, Vice President – Operations, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, ‘With lifestyle roadblocks like smoking, alcohol intake, erratic schedules increasing annually, it is essential for each one of us to ensure that we work towards a remedy. 90% heart attacks can be prevented simply by controlling blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes; keeping control on your diet and eating high fibre-low fat food; not smoking; and managing psychosocial factors such as stress. It is never too late to start looking after your heart. So on the occasion of World Heart Day, we all must pledge for a healthy heart today to get a healthier life tomorrow. Only such steps can help people evade the epidemic of heart ailments that is facing India today.’

 He further added, ‘Walking is the simplest and most accessible form of physical exercise. Just 30 minutes of walking every day significantly reduces the risk of dreaded life style diseases. The Walkathon represents the step that each person can take today on the occasion of World Heart Day towards a healthier life tomorrow’.

 An estimated 17 million people die of cardio-vascular diseases, particularly heart attacks and strokes, every year. There are many overlooked facets related to heart disease which can go unnoticed if vigilance is not maintained, for example- stress which is a common risk factor for heart ailments. Though stress is a part of life today and one can’t avoid it, but a half an hour of walk or exercise at home or office, five days a week can do wonders and can contribute largely towards getting a healthy lifestyle and a healthy heart.

Some facts about heart disease you should know

  • Studies have shown that exposure to passive smoking during your childhood can causes irreversible damage to the structure of children’s arteries, which means that these children will be at a greater risk of heart attacks and strokes in later life

  • Smokers not only develop myocardial infarction (MI) earlier but are at a two-fold increased risk compared to non-smokers and at a four-fold-increased risk of sudden death due to MI. The corresponding risks are higher in smoking women.

  • According to a study published in the noted journal Lancet, 30million Indians were reported obese in 2013 making the country just behind the US and China in the global hazard list of top 10 countries with highest number of obese people

  • Each year 7 million people are reportedly have gone to the emergency room with heart attack symptoms and 4.6 million of these people reportedly were diagnosed with chest pain

  • Four people die of heart attack every minute in India and the age group is mainly between 30 and 50

  • 3.5 million people die annually in India of a heart disease and 7-13% of the deaths are in urban areas

  • For younger women, the combination of birth control pills and smoking boosts heart risks by 20%

  • Over 90% of heart disease depends on one’s lifestyle, stress eating habits and activeness

  • Exercise for at least 30-40 minutes each day combining aerobic exercises, weight training and stretching

  • Losing more than 10% or more of body weight lowers blood pressure and blood fat

  • Heart attacks are commonly misdiagnosed as heart burn, acid reflux, bronchitis, pneumonia, or anxiety attack

You may also like to read:

  • Suffering from heart disease? Here are foods you should avoid

  • Why going vegetarian may be better for your heart

  • Add olive oil to your diet for a healthy heart

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