Monday, September 29, 2014

World Heart Day 2014: Can you give a diet chart to prevent heart disease?

diet chart for healthy heartI am 32 years old and I am worried about my husband’s heart health as he has a family history of heart disease. I want to do something to prevent it. Can following a healthy diet help in any way? If yes, can you suggest a diet chart for the same?

It is highly essential to ensure that your husband eats right if he wants to prevent heart disease especially since he has a history of it running in his family. And yes, diet can help curb it to quite an extent. Diet in addition to a healthy lifestyle will do the trick. Renowned nutritionist and lifestyle expert Naini Setalvad shares a sample diet chart to keep one’s heart healthy.




Unlimited fruits tomatoes + 5 full walnuts

Mid morning

Green tea


Salad + vegetable + barely roti /rice + pulse/ dal /fish

Mid evening snack

Fruit + flaxseeds 2 tablespoon + 2 walnuts


Salad + vegetable + soup cooked vegetables + pulse/dal /fish + barely roti/unpolished rice

Ensure that your husband and even you get a check-up done every year to monitor your heart health. It is also essential to exercise at least five times a week for 30 minutes to keep one’s heart healthy.  join a gym or opt for yoga, or any other fitness workout can come in handy to keep your heart fit and fine. 

Image source: Getty images

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  • Heart disease in India — 6 shocking facts you should know

  • Expert tips to prevent heart disease

  • Yoga for your heart – 20 poses to keep it healthy

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