Monday, September 29, 2014

Revealed — wine bacteria good for health

wineSeveral studies have suggested that wine can be beneficial for health. According to this new study,  some bacteria in wine may actually offer health benefits.

For the study, researchers from Spain isolated 11 different strains of bacteria from wine, which were associated with the wine-making process. These strains included strains of Lactobacillus, found in yogurt, Oenococcus and Pediococcus bacteria.

According to study author Dolores Gonzalez de Llano of Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain, many studies have reported that the best [foods] to deliver probiotics are dairy fermented products, so that the probiotic properties of wine-related [Lactobacillus] were hardly studied. Probiotics are live organisms that can bring health benefits when consumed in the right amounts, Gonzalez de Llano said.

Consuming probiotics may be beneficial primarily for maintaining a healthy community of gut bacteria and bowel function, she said, adding that probiotics have also been reported to possibly have anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering properties. In the study, the researchers examined the ability of the bacteria they isolated from wine to survive in conditions similar to those found in the human gastrointestinal system.

The researchers looked to see whether the bacteria in wine could survive when exposed to simulated gastric juice, bile and lysozyme, an enzyme that is highly concentrated in human saliva that can damage bacterial cell walls. They found that the bacteria could survive in such conditions, and their survival was comparable to or even better than the survival of several strains of bacteria known to be beneficial to human health, ‘LiveScience’ reported.

The researchers also looked at how well the bacteria in wine might stick to the walls of the human intestine by growing human intestine cells in a lab dish. They found the bacteria did stick, and therefore, the bacteria ‘may provide beneficial effects, such as the exclusion of pathogens,’ or harmful bacteria, from the intestine, they said. The new findings do not mean, however, that drinking a couple glasses of wine a day will provide the same health benefits as eating a food like yogurt, Gonzalez de Llano said.

Even though the moderate consumption of wine may confer certain health benefits, wine does not currently provide a sufficient amount of probiotics to be beneficial, because many of the bacteria are eliminated during a process called sulfating, which stabilises wine, she said.

Here are some reasons drinking moderate amounts of red wine is actually good for your health:

1. Can help prevent cholesterol build up

 Research has shown that antioxidants in wine known as polyphenols can help prevent cholesterol build up and thus prevent heart disease. In today’s times, when more and more young people are falling prey to heart disease – consuming foods rich in antioxidants and avoiding junk food is a good idea. Besides wine, green tea and vegetables like spinach are also good sources of antioxidants. (Read: 8 natural cholesterol busters)

2. May help you live longer and healthier

Death is a certainty in life. Yet, people want to slow down the ageing process as much as possible. Researchers have found that a compound contained in red wine called resveratrol helps you live longer! The study administered resveratrol to bees. After administration, the bees showed a decrease in food intake and showed a tendency to live longer. (Read: Interesting facts about ageing)

3. Can prevent hearing loss

Not only does reseveratrol present in wine help increase longevity, it also helps prevent hearing loss. In a study conducted by the Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, healthy rats administered resveratrol were less likely to suffer noise-induced hearing loss for a long period of time. Read more about 7 ways red wine is great for your health

With inputs from PTI

Photo source: Getty images

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