Monday, September 29, 2014

How your voice can reveal if you are attracted to someone

coupleA new study has revealed that the easiest way to know if someone is attracted to you is by listening to the tone of his voice. According to a new UK study, heterosexual men and women modulate their speaking voices when they’re attracted to a member of the opposite sex, Fox News reported. The study has shown that men in particular tend to lower their voices when speaking to women they deem attractive.

A clinical psychologist at Cleveland Clinic said that quelling nerves and not being self-conscious helps in increasing the likelihood of a successful relationship. The study was published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior.

How you fall in love

What is it that drives the attraction process in couples? A new study by an American sociologist may offer new insight into why and when Cupid’s arrow strikes. University of Notre Dame sociologist Elizabeth McClintock studied the impacts of physical attractiveness and age on mate selection and the effects of gender and income on relationships.

In her study, ‘Handsome Wants as Handsome Does: Physical Attractiveness and Gender Differences in Revealed Sexual Preferences’, published in Biodemography and Social Biology, McClintock examined the effects of physical attractiveness on young adults’ sexual and romantic outcomes (number of partners, relationship status, timing of sexual intercourse), revealing the gender differences in preferences, according to Science Daily. ‘Couple formation is often conceptualized as a competitive, two-sided matching process in which individuals implicitly trade their assets for those of a mate, trying to find the most desirable partner and most rewarding relationship that they can get given their own assets,’ McClintock said.

McClintock’s study showed that just as good looks may be exchanged for status and financial resources, attractiveness may also be traded for control over the degree of commitment and progression of sexual activity.

With inputs from ANI and IANS

Photo source: Getty images

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