Friday, October 10, 2014

Win a Copy of the Startup Framework for WordPress


Designmodo have truly outdone themselves with the fresh release of their Startup Framework. The WordPress Theme With Visual Editor now opens its gates, with bells and trumpets, for any creative professionals who wish to make dashing WP websites in a hassle-free environment. Indeed, this framework has a lot to offer.

Features That You Can’t Refuse

Ever wondered what it would be like to rely on a visual editor and a drag-and-drop interface in order to strike up client websites? Everything’s possible with this neat framework. It offers 100 modernly designed blocks, so you can just choose whatever you like and place everything in order on the main window of your inline editor. It’s child’s play.

Startup Framework from Designmodo allows users to customize the apparel of each web page, by changing color schemes, uploading images, and using an exquisite text editor for content. Nonetheless, you can always take it to a whole new level by adding your own CSS code, and don’t forget to hit the Preview button before publishing a thoroughly responsive and Retina-optimized website.

Designmodo also gives you the possibility to reorder your blocks in case you change your mind and want your website to look in a different way. Finally, it is possible to personalize your blocks and soon you will have the ability to save any block customization.

Claim Your Prize

How would you like to be the lucky owner of Startup Theme? Get your hands on a free copy now, by logging in to Rafflecopter, and we’ll let you know who the winner is in one week time. This framework for WordPress websites is as pricey as it is useful, so make haste and try your odds in this giveaway! We’re rooting for you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Can’t wait and want to read more about Startup Framework or try it? Just click the button below:

Technology news, Win a Copy of the Startup Framework for WordPressTechnical, Technology, Technology Trends
Win a Copy of the Startup Framework for WordPress


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