Friday, October 10, 2014

Updated: Average Internet speed in India is 2 Mbps; Still the slowest in Asia-Pacific: Akamai

Update: Readers have pointed out that 2 Mbps average internet speed appears to be too high for India, and we agree. TRAI’s definition of broadband is internet connections that have the capability of a minimum download speed of 512 Kbps. Keeping this in mind 2 Mbps average speed in India is practically impossible. However, the reason for this bloated number is perhaps the fact that for the study Akamai only takes into consideration data gathered from its Intelligent Platform. Take a look at some of Akamai’s customers in the digital media space.


Earlier: India’s average internet speed is still the slowest among countries in the Asia-Pacific region that were part of the study conducted by content delivery network Akamai Technologies for its Q2 2014 State of the Internet report.

The report is based on data collected by Akamai’s Intelligent Platform across several metrics. This report provides insight into internet connection speeds, broadband adoption rates, mobile connectivity, and attack traffic.

India’s average internet speed was 2.0 Mbps, up from 1.7 Mbps in the previous quarter. It’s currently ranked 118th internationally in terms of average internet speed. South Korea remains the fastest in the region with average speed of 24.6 Mbps, a 4% increase from the previous quarter. It’s also the only country in the Asia-Pacific region with average speeds above the 20 Mbps mark. Hong Kong with 15.7 Mbps and Japan with 14.9 Mbps complete the top three positions. It’s worth noting that South Korea and Hong Kong have the fastest average internet speeds internationally as well. Japan which was the third spot internationally has been relegated one rung lower by Switzerland.

Average Internet Speed Asia Pacific

Akamai’s definition of broadband internet is internet connections with speeds above 4 Mbps, while in India TRAI defines broadband as internet connections above 512 Kbps. In Q2 2014, India had 7.2% connections above the 4 Mbps threshold, a 46% increase from the previous quarter. However, it is still the lowest ranked country in the region at 89.

Broadband Connectivity Asia Pacific

High-speed broadband adoption

Akamai defines broadband connections with speeds over 10 Mbps as high-speed broadband. In this respect, an impressive 66% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) growth saw the number of high-speed broadband connections in India increase to 1.2% of all internet connections. It’s still at the bottom of the pecking order in the Asia-Pacific region and internationally, though now there are other countries in the region like Vietnam (0.6%), Indonesia (0.5%) and Philippines (0.7%) below it.

In South Korea, 78% of internet connections are above the 10 Mbps mark, while 95% are above the 4 Mbps mark. Japan also has an impressive 54% high-speed broadband and 86% broadband connections.

High-speed Broadband Connectivity Asia Pacific

4K Readiness

There is a growing demand for 4K (Ultra HD) video content globally. According to Akamai, 10-20 Mbps bandwidth is the minimum speed required for seamless streaming of 4K videos. The 4K readiness metric tries to determine which countries or regions already have that capability.

Of all the global connections that were part of Akamai’s study, only 51 countries qualified for 4K readiness in Q2 2014 with broadband speeds of 15 Mbps and above, up from 47 in the previous quarter. This accounted for just 12% of the Internet connections internationally. South Korea remained at the top of the list with 62% 4K readiness. Hong Kong and Japan occupied the next two spots with 34% and 33% 4K readiness, respectively. India’s 4K readiness increased 57% QoQ to 0.5%, up from 0.3% in the previous quarter.

4K Readiness Asia Pacific

Page Load Times

In Q2 2014, it took 6069 milliseconds to load a page in India, and it went up to 9601 milliseconds in case of mobile internet. Interestingly, it used to take 5563 milliseconds to open a page in the previous quarter and 5134 milliseconds for the same in Q4 2013. So, there has been a significant slowdown in this quarter. The speed of mobile connections also seems to have slowed down significantly. In the previous quarter it took 7987 milliseconds to load a page, though in Q4 2013 the page load time on mobile connections was 9123 milliseconds. So, basically India is taking one step forward and two steps back. These changes have led to the mobile penalty increasing to 1.6x from 1.4x in the previous quarter, though it’s still lower than the 1.8x mobile penalty in Q4 2013. Mobile penalty is a measurement of how much slower a mobile internet connection is, in relation to a wired connection.

Page Load Time Asia Pacific

Attack traffic

India jumped up two places to the 5th position in the top 10 sources of attack traffic (based on IP address) with 2.1%, though in actual terms it was lower than the 2.6% reported in Q1 2014. China continues to be the biggest source of attack traffic internationally with 43%, up from 41% in the previous quarter, followed by Indonesia (15%), United States (13%), and Taiwan (3.7%).

Other sources of attack traffic were Russia, Brazil, South Korea, Turkey, and Romania. The top 10 countries accounted for 84% of the observed attacks, up from 75% in the previous quarter. Observed attacks originating from the Asia-Pacific region further increased to 70%, up from 63% in Q1 2014 and 56% in Q4 2013. Attacks originating from the Asia-Pacific region were 5x that of attacks originating in North America (14%).

Port80 was the most targeted internationally, though it wasn’t the most targeted port among any of the top 10 countries. Port 80 is used for HTTP, one of the Transfer Control Protocols (TCP), and is used to access a network.

Enterprise (30%) and commerce (29%) customers faced most of the reported attacks. The attacks on the public sector reduced significantly to 11% from 20% in Q1 2014.

Attack Traffic IP address

Download Q2 2014 Report


Technology news, Updated: Average Internet speed in India is 2 Mbps; Still the slowest in Asia-Pacific: AkamaiTechnical, Technology, Technology Trends
Updated: Average Internet speed in India is 2 Mbps; Still the slowest in Asia-Pacific: Akamai


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