Sometimes blogging is just slooooww…
If you’ve ever been struggling (painfully) to write a couple of paragraphs that would make sense, only to find yourself with 400 words after two hours of effort then you know what I mean.
There can be many reasons why this is possibly your reality at the moment.
Maybe it’s just not your day.
Maybe you have some kind of a
writer’s block.
But maybe you’re just
slowing yourself down
by getting hung up
on a missing word
for minutes at a time.
Yep, maybe that’s the case …
But the problem here is that
it’s against human nature
to leave blank spaces
or to keep writing when there’s clearly a word or phrase missing.
We – humans – just don’t like such [_ gaps _]!
This is where
the concept of “TK”
comes into play.
It’s the oldest trick in the book that all of our journalist friends have known for ages (shush!).
In short, TK stands for “to come.”
Here’s how to use it :
Whenever you have a word missing
(any word, verb, noun, specific name) …
… put “TK” in its place
and keep writing like nothing ever happened …
… With some practice, this will allow you
to continue going forward
without breaking your flow.
Some examples:
(1) “There are tons of people who TK at blogging because they took too much TK upon themselves.” (2) “You can get such functionality with a plugin like TK.” (3) “It performs a number of checks against things like TK, TK, and a lot of other stuff.”
Then, once you’re done writing,
you can go back to every instance of TK
and replace it with the actual word or phrase.
“But wait a minute, ‘to come’ is TC!” You say.
Right, but the combination of
the letters “T” and “K”
is much more practical
as it almost doesn’t occur
in the English language naturally.
Therefore, when you’re going through your piece
during the editing phase,
searching for every TK
won’t get you any false positives.
How about you? Do you TK much?
Karol K. (@carlosinho) is a freelance writer, published author, founder of and a blogger at (delivering some cool freelance blogging and writing tools, advice and resources just like what you’re reading now). Whenever he’s not working, Karol likes to spend time training Capoeira and enjoying life.
Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Blog, The Power of “TK” in Content WritingBlog, Blogging Tips
The Power of “TK” in Content Writing
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