Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The 4 Worst People to Work Out With

Many trainers recommend working out with a partner to get the best results from your exercise program. The logic: It’s easy to let yourself down by being a no-show at the gym, but it’s a lot harder to blow off a buddy who’s expecting you to show up. Plus, a training pal will push you to work harder. But the trick is finding the right guy for the job–because the wrong friend could torpedo your fitness goals. Steer clear of these four sidekicks:

1. Your Ultra-Fit Friend

Don’t hit the gym with your bodybuilder buddy. When people were paired with others of similar body mass, age, and fitness level, they were three times as likely to continue their workout plan after 7 weeks than those who were unequally matched, according to a study in the journal Science.

Since we tend to view the success of people similar to us as attainable, training for a 5k with your friend who just conquered an Ironman isn’t the best move. Instead, grab a guy who is only a little better than you, suggests research from the University of Kansas. Working out with someone who is 40 percent fitter can help you push yourself up to 90 percent harder than if you exercised alone, the study says.

2. Your Best Bud

Super-supportive close friends may actually decrease your motivation to go after your goals, according to research from the Association for Psychological Science. Blame something called “self-regulatory outsourcing,” where you subconsciously substitute their support for your actual effort. As a result, you’ll feel less driven to push yourself. Leave your cheering section at home.

3. The Walking Motivational Poster  

In a study at Michigan State University, some people performed planks while their partners shouted generic motivational phrases like, “push it!” As it turns out, they couldn’t hold the planks as long as participants who exercised without encouragement. How come? Even though he’s just trying to help, it’s easy to interpret your partner’s good-natured shouts as patronizing or condescending–especially when you’re the one doing all the sweating.

4. The Whiner

If your friend complains too much during a tough workout, it could keep you from coming back to the gym, says a study from the University of New Hampshire. When the researchers asked students to recall a positive memory related to exercise, the undergrads were more likely to up their visits to the gym during the following week than those who were asked to recall a negative memory. Find a guy who will bring his game face every time.

Health News, health tipsHealth
The 4 Worst People to Work Out With


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