When you are out for a brisk walk, you want to be listening to music that keeps you going. You could have a playlist of songs with beats that keep your steps in rhythm or lyrics that preoccupy you in deep thought or simply fun tracks to keep your spirits high while you are determined to walk your way to good health. Here is a list of 10 songs that will keep your mood in-check during your walking routine:
‘Here comes the sun’ by the Beatles
If you are looking forward to an early morning and a rather reflective walk all by yourself, then this legendary track by the Beatles should definitely be on your playlist.
‘Day N Nite’ by James Shield
The video is absolutely hilarious and entertaining. This hip-hop song is composed of beats that will keep you on your toes too. You might just burst out laughing or break into a dance while walking, just a warning!
‘Step into my world’ by Moonbeam
Let your walk lead you to a path of your own with this house track. This non-lyrical song, speaks so much with its tunes. It’s an ideal track to leave you in solace and yet keeps you going.
‘Holocene’ by Bon Iver
This Bon Iver’s ‘Holocene’ has an earthy tone to it. It feels like you are listening to a story with a pleasant tune to it. The lines, ‘Christmas night, it clutches the light, the hallow bright, above my brother’ put you in a zone of beautiful memories.
‘Wanna be starting something’ by Michael Jackson
Well you got to make at least one of MJ’s songs a part of your ‘walking playlist.’ It has to be ‘Wanna be starting something,’ to keep you focused and clear your head from anything unnecessary. Once you know the lyrics by heart, there is nothing that can distract you and is rather motivational.
‘Hotel California’ by the Eagles
You have to lend your ears to this classic by the Eagles. It calms the mind down and transports you to the situation featured in its video. Be it early in the morning or during sunset, you can listen to this one at any time and all day!
‘Like a rolling stone’ by Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan’s ‘Like a rolling stone,’ is one, which will bring a smile on your face while you’re on your way. So wander away to exploration with this Bob Dylan superhit song. ‘How does it feel to be on your own with no direction home? Like a complete unknown. Like a rolling stone.’
‘Young and Beautiful’ Remix by Lana Del Ray ft. Cedric Gervais
For every girl who is walking her way to a fitness goal, this version is perfect to get her enthusiasm in place. While it talks about accepting your beauty as it is, it’s a thoughtful song and helps your mind think about you and yourself alone.
‘Sweat’ by Snoop Dog ft. David Guetta
This song is exactly what you should look forward to doing during your walk – sweat it out! It’s a power-packed electronic number with Snoop Dog’s catchy lyrics.
‘Boulevard of broken dreams’ by Green day
You cannot however, in any case skip this one from your playlist when you are out for your walk. You wouldn’t mind this punk rock composition even if it reminds you of a phase in your life that wasn’t your best, simply because it’s a song you shouldn’t miss out on. Besides, the lyrics, ‘I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams, where the city sleeps and I’m the only one and I walk alone’ let you be and let you take your own space while you walk for as long.
Image source: Getty Images
Video source: YouTube
10 must-have walking songs on your playlist, Health News, health tipsFitness, Health, music, Songs for walking, Walking
10 must-have walking songs on your playlist
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