Sunday, September 28, 2014

World Heart Day 2014: How Naturopathy can give your heart a helping hand

Heart disease and naturopathy29th September is World Heart day

Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. A muscle that that works constantly and helps distribute blood  to all parts of your body, your heart is also one of the most neglected organs in the body. Unhealthy habits like not exercising, eating unhealthy foods, smoking and drinking, all put your heart at increased risk. So, we spoke to Dr. Anjali Sharma, Senior Consultant, Naturopathy, Action Group of Hospitals, Delhi, about how you can repair your heart naturally. Here are excerpts from the interview.

According to the principles of Naturopathy, why does a person suffer from ailments of the heart?

The principles of Naturopathy believe that the body heals itself or comes back to a state of equilibrium when a change ensues. In case this system breaks down, the body gets disease-ridden. Naturopathy believes that any heart diseases is caused due to lifestyle factors. There are uncontrollable environmental factors such as food additives, pollutants and electromagnetic fields, but a lot of controllable factors such as caffeine for energy, alcohol to relax and junk food for comfort that also contribute to the problem.

What kind of treatment will a person with heart disease have to undergo for the same?

In addition to consulting your regular doctor, Naturopathy can help you deal with heart disease. Although it take time to understand a patient’s lifestyle and dietary patterns; keeping these in mind, necessary change to lifestyle and diet will be made to help a person’s heart heal.

What lifestyle changes will the person have to make?

A few lifestyle changes can improve heart health such as:

• Kick the butt (quit smoking) and avoid second-hand smoke as well.

• Maintain a healthy weight

• Engage in at least 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise daily.

• Eating 5-10 portions of fruits and vegetables, getting high amounts of fibre and cutting out on animal fats.

• Stress less. Meditation and relaxation techniques help you relieve stress at the end of a long day.

• Get your family to support these lifestyle changes by incorporating them too so that they can be heart-healthy too.

Can heart diseases be treated without the help of surgery with Naturopathy 

Yes, it is possible. A lot of by-pass and angioplasty cases have been reversed using Naturopathy. A simple thing such as bottle gourd (lauki) juice will help lower cholesterol, blood sugar levels, BP and weight. This juice taken daily along with regular heart medication has amazing benefits. This treatment along with other Naturopathic modifications will work only if certain changes are made; like abstinence from all forms of tobacco and alcohol and non-vegetarian food. In addition to that, a person should avoid stress and have a regular, daily exercise regimen.

Can Naturopathic techniques be used for children with heart disease as well?

Yes, Naturopathy treatments are age friendly, and can be administered to people of any age along with the required precautions, as prescribed by the Naturopathy physician. 

How soon will a person be able to see a change in their reports?

While you might see immediate changes, Naturopathy takes time to completely heal your body. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle for long, that’s when Naturopathy treatments will heal you. A Naturopathic doctor tries to address and correct the imbalance that has damaged your heart. These imbalances such as nutritional excess or deficiencies must be corrected for the body to return to it’s natural state.

What tips would you give people to keep their heart healthy?

keeping you heart healthy is, in reality, not very difficult, here are some tips that can help your heart healthy.

Heart healthy diet – Ensure your diet is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain and fibre. Limit your consumption of trans-fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils, they contain trans-fats. Only 30% of you daily calorie intake should be from fat and lesser than that from saturated fats. Select fat-free or low-fat dairy products. Limit your salt intake.

Regular exercise – Regular exercise not just strengthens your heart, but also keeps diabetes, BP, cholesterol in check and also keeps the inches off your waist. 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise is sufficient. Make sure you talk to your doctor before you start any new physical regimen.

Kick the butt – The effects of quitting can be very rapid. In five years your heart will be in the same condition as that of a non-smoker. Avoid second-hand smoke as well; it’s just as bad as smoking.

LOL – Laugh out loud because your heart will thank you for it. It relieves stress and increases blood flow.

Get regular check-ups – Get regular check-ups to keep track of your BP, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Any anomaly can be caught early and treated.

Finally, Naturopathy is a scientific yet natural way to stay healthy. All you need to so is be patient.  

Image source: Getty images

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