Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Secret Genius of the Solo Cup

Praise be to the red Solo cup, for its smart design is worth so much more than being relegated to mere keg fill-ups and cheers of "College!" Solo says it's a coincidence, butthose iconic cup contours roughly match common volumes for measuring out booze. Jonathan Pogash of The Cocktail Guru, a beverage consulting firm, helps you create your own mix-in-a-cup libation. 

1. Fill to line A: Hendrick's Gin
2. Fill to halfway between lines A and B: Melon vodka, such as Van Gogh. Add a few cubes of ice.
3. Fill to the top: Nonalcoholic ginger beer. Squeeze in the juice of half a lime. Garnish with cucumber slices inside your cup. Give it a stir with a straw, or roll your drink back and forth from one cup to another to ensure that it's well mixed.


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