Sunday, September 28, 2014

Drinking beer might improve memory in the young

Beer improves memory

We all are aware of the significant health benefits rendered by flavanoids. Certain foods like red wine, blueberries and dark chocolate are known to contain a specific type of flavonoid that play a key role in improving memory. There is another surprising addition to this list of memory enhancers — beer.

A recent lab study conducted on young mice has showed that beer helps in improving cognitive function in them. This is mainly due to the presence of a flavonoid known as  xanthohumol, that is present in beer. On the other hand, this active compound in beer failed to evoke same response in the older mice.

The research team said that further intact clinical studies should be conducted on the flavonoid present in beer and those found in blueberries or red wine. They further said that since the dose used in mice was quite high, it is not recommended that people should switch to beer in order to sharpen their brains. The study appeared in the journal Behavioral Brain Research.

With inputs from IANS

Image Source: Getty Images

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